Eucharistic Adoration “My Lord and My God”

Eucharistic Adoration is worship of the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass. It is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) in the consecrated host within the Monstrance sitting on the altar. It is a time of silent reflection and prayer.

Adoration Hours:

Monday: 9:30am – Wednesday: 9:00am

While all are invited to spend time with Jesus, Faithful Adorers are needed to commit to an hour on a weekly basis. Every hour should have at least two Faithful Adorers / more than two is always welcomed and appreciated. Subs are always needed, as well.

No experience is necessary — just a willingness to pray.

For those never having participated in Adoration, assistance/training is available.

How can you get involved?

You can volunteer to take a regular hour of Adoration every week or sign up to be a substitute for a regular Adorer.

We need people willing to sub. Subs can choose what requests to accept as their schedule permits.

Please prayerfully consider this “SOS” for help. After the Mass, there is no greater gift you give to Jesus or yourself than to sit in front of the Blessed Eucharist in Adoration.

If you are willing to help, or have any questions, please contact Karen Hittle at

Adoration is in need of help at the following hours:

Those hours needing immediate help are in BOLD.

Monday: 11:00 pm

Tuesday      5:00 am

Tuesday      8:00 am

Tuesday      9:00 pm

Why this ministry:

“The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth.”
~ St. Mother Teresa

“The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.”
~ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen


My name is Jennifer Praser, and I have been faithful adorer since December 2019. My path to Adoration was a roundabout one, with a pit stop in the Middle East. In the fall of 2019, I felt a strong desire to grow in my faith and be more involved at St. Clare, but I did not know what to do or how to do it. As a wife and mother of four school aged children, I did not think I had the time to make a weekly commitment.

During this time, I was fortunate to be able to travel to Abu Dhabi with my husband. I had the privilege of attending Mass while I was there. As we approached the church, I witnessed many people of all nationalities adoring the Blessed Sacrament…amidst the center of the Middle East. What an amazing sight!

Can you believe that the very next time I walked into St. Clare’s, it was a Tuesday morning and Adoration was in progress? A sign-up sheet was prominently placed, front and center….Coincidence? No, I think it was a calling! I reached out to Karen, and I was soon on the calendar for Adoration from 11 am- noon. Still, I wondered how I would fit this time into my busy week…. After my very first Adoration hour, however, I realized that this ONE hour of time with Jesus would be the most important and productive hour of my week…everything else pales in comparison to spending quiet, uninterrupted time with the Lord.

I look so forward to walking into Jesus’ presence, eyes on Him, and leaving the rest of the world outside the door. I pray, I read, I am still, and I listen. I leave filled with a sense of peace that only Jesus can give, prepared to face the rest of the week! Adoration is for ALL people, male or female, young and old, and I invite each of you come spend time with Jesus during Adoration at St. Clare…even if it’s just a few minutes!

~ Jennifer Praser

For me, Adoration is a time of rest and renewal. The instant I step into the presence of the Eucharist, I can feel my soul being embraced by God’s perfect love. No matter what is happening in my life, those moments spent in Adoration are full of peace. Any earthly troubles plaguing me are washed away the moment I kneel before God. My soul overflows with love for Him, and nothing else matters. I am reminded that He is in complete control and that I need to do nothing more than surrender myself to Him. 

Furthermore, Adoration is a way for me to purposefully set aside time for God. Life is busy, but Adoration is a time of no distractions. It is a time for me to thank God for all He has done, to marvel at His unending majesty. It is a time to be still and simply listen for God’s voice. It is a time to contemplate how to better serve God in this life as to one day abide in the perpetual Adoration that is Heaven.

~ Michaela Mulqueen

I am not sure I can express all the joy, contentment, peace and love I feel when I am able to spend one hour quietly, peacefully, humbly, and prayerfully in church with the Lord. It is just me and usually less than a handful of others.

It is a blessing to be able to pause my life and give thanks for my many blessings. It is a joy to have some “alone time” with the Lord. I speak to Him as He wants me to. I pray for others. I tell Him of my anxieties and express my sorrow for all my many failings. I also love to read my Bible and am able to concentrate on its truth without outside distractions.

It is truly the happiest and most serene time of my week which I always look forward to. To just be there. It is the time when I most feel God loves me, and when I am so grateful to be able to tell Him how much I love him. It is a great gift. You should give it to yourself if you can. You will be so glad you did. God Bless. 

~ Richard Gibson

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