Our parish is a community of believers, a spiritual family that grows together in their relationship with the Lord. Together we discover and live out our true identity and mission as followers of Jesus Christ, seeking an ever-deepening unity with Him as His mystical body in the world today. Therefore, we take seriously our Baptismal call to seek out opportunities to act as His hands, His feet and His voice in our world today. It is our hope this website will aid us in that growth well into the future, as we reach our members, visitors, or those looking for a new parish home.
Along with information about our faith, the church and ministries of our parish, this website will provide a vehicle for us to stay connected with one another. Check out our parish Facebook page, “Like us” and leave a comment.
We are glad you stopped by our website today and urge you to join us in doing all we can to live the faith this day. To deepen our relationship with the Lord and each other and to allow the Lord, through us, to touch the lives of those we meet along our way this day. Have a wonderful day and may you know the Lord’s blessings in abundance.
Our Parish Staff