
Are you seeking answers to questions about the Catholic faith?
Have you considered joining the Catholic Church?
Are you an adult wanting to be baptized?
Or are you a baptized Catholic and want to receive the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation?

If so, we invite you to journey with us in RCIA.

How do I get started?

Contact our Director of Faith Formation, Kate Curran, at kcurran@stclarecc.org and fill out the form linked below.

What if I have already been baptized as a Catholic and received my First Communion? 

We can talk about your confirmation process after you fill out the above form! Feel free to reach out to Kate via email directly.

What if I have already been baptized in another faith tradition? 

You can join our classes starting in the fall, please reach out to Kate and fill out our form!

We look forward to meeting you!

Kate Curran
Kate Curran
Director of Faith Formation  Email Me
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