Formation for the Whole Family

St. Clare of Assisi strives to assist you in guiding you and your children to grow your relationship with Christ and His Church! For the 2025-2026 year, we are excited to once again partner with Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries for our Family Catechesis program.

Pathways is an experiential, family-centered, hybrid faith formation program uniting the family and the parish, achieved through reflections and dynamic tactile experiences.  Each program meets once a month in person at St. Clare and then has at-home meetings on the subsequent Sundays of the month.

Our children truly look forward to Sundays!

Family Catechesis has been something our whole family has benefited from this year. Our children truly look forward to Family Catechesis Sundays! This curriculum has helped us as parents feel confident in leading faith-based conversations with our children at home and grow deeper in knowledge and love of Christ.
Michelle Freshly

Questions? Confused? Reach out to our Faith Formation team below:
Kate Curran
Kate Curran
Director of Faith Formation  Email Me
Kristi Mickwee
Kristi Mickwee
Faith and Family Life Coordinator  Email Me
Susan Baker
Susan Baker
Youth Ministry Coordinator  Email Me


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