BT Titan Tidings Christmas Gift Show

Titan Tidings Christmas Gift Show – Saturday, Nov. 9th from 9am- 5pm and Sunday, Nov. 10thfrom 10am – 3pm at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School in Roswell, GA. Come join us to find that perfect gift and shop from over 110 different vendors. Our vendors offer many unique items such as home and holiday décor, art, jewelry, pottery, accessories, and much more. Our show is all indoors and has plenty of parking, no worries about weather or having to ride a shuttle. In addition to our vendors, we also have hourly raffles, a huge bake sale and full-serviceconcessions. Admission is $5. No strollers please. Blessed Trinity High School is located at 11320 Woodstock Road in Roswell, GA behind the Home Depot on Hwy 92.