2024 Holiday Party – Presented by the St. Clare Senior Group
You’re invited to a Holiday Party, hosted by our St. Clare Senior Group! This festive gathering is open to everyone and promises delicious food, Advent cheer, and a wonderful opportunity to connect with others in our parish community. The party will take place on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 12:00PM…
Find Out More2024 Volunteer of the Year Nominations
Every year, we are blessed by the generosity and dedication of countless volunteers who give their time, talents, and hearts to make our parish and community a better place. Now, it’s your turn to recognize someone special! We are excited to announce that nominations are now open for our 2024…
Find Out More2025 Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage with Fr. Tim
Experience a life-enriching 12 day/11 night pilgrimage through Spain and Portugal with Fr. Tim in 2025. From the stunning architecture of Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia to the spiritual haven of Fatima, enrich your faith and immerse yourself in the culture and history of these extraordinary destinations. Highlights include Montserrat Monastery, the…
Find Out MoreAdoration – Help Needed! Monday Exposition / Wednesday Benediction explained. How to Repose the Blessed Sacrament.
Adoration is in need of help at the following hours. Tuesdays at 1:00am & 3:00am, Wednesdays at 4:00am We also need people willing to sub in the evenings, especially during hours between 6:00 – 11:00 pm on both Mondays and Tuesdays. Subs can choose what requests to accept as their…
Find Out MoreAll Saints’ Day (November 1) is a Holy Day of Obligation – Mass Schedule
All Saints’ Day celebrates the feast or solemnity of all the saints in Heaven, both saints recognized by the Church as holy men and women and those who remain unknown. All Saints’ Day is celebrated on Friday, November 1 and is a holy day of obligation. Catholics are expected to attend Mass on…
Find Out MoreAnnual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Our parish annual financial report is now available to the public. You can view the report by clicking here.
Find Out MoreLectio Divina: Deeper into the Sunday Gospel Reading
We invite all parishioners to join us in a Lectio Divina bible study to go deeper into Sunday’s Gospel readings for Luke/Matthew. This offering is free of charge and will begin meeting in September 2022. Sessions will be on Mondays.We will have a morning session from 10:00 -11:30 am. Please…
Find Out MoreBT Titan Tidings Christmas Gift Show
Titan Tidings Christmas Gift Show – Saturday, Nov. 9th from 9am- 5pm and Sunday, Nov. 10thfrom 10am – 3pm at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School in Roswell, GA. Come join us to find that perfect gift and shop from over 110 different vendors. Our vendors offer many unique items such as home and holiday décor, art, jewelry, pottery, accessories, and much more. Our…
Find Out MoreConfession Update
In preparation for Advent, we will be adding an 8:00am-8:50am Saturday morning confession time. This will be effective Saturday, November 30th. We will not have 6:00pm confession on Thursday, November 28 (Thanksgiving). We will still have Friday morning 8:00am confession on November 29.
Find Out MoreCREDO: Discipleship Series for RCIA and Catholics Seeking Deeper Knowledge of the Faith
CREDO DISCIPLESHIP SERIES St. Clare of Assisi is excited to announce a new discipleship series, CREDO, beginning this Fall! This year, CREDO nights will offer two programs: RCIA for those inquiring about Catholicism, and Symbolon, a systematic study of the Nicene Creed, for those who are already Catholic and looking to…
Find Out MoreDirections to access Instant Church Directory
Computer access, go to members.instantchurchdirectory.comApple iPhone or iPad, you can get the app in the App Store or by clicking hereAndroid Phone, you can get the app in the Google Play store or by clicking here Once you have go to the webpage or downloaded the app, click the MEMBER SIGN IN…
Find Out MoreEXALT Night is December 8 – All are welcome!
Join us for EXALT, a special evening of Adoration, Live Music, and Fellowship on Sunday, December 8! Come spend time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, uplift your spirit with live music, and enjoy time with our parish community after the 5:00pm Mass. All are welcome—bring a friend and come worship…
Find Out MoreFall 2024 Women’s Bible Study
Our fall women’s bible study, Beholding His Glory, begins Wednesday September 4. Come make authentic connections with other women, refuel and refresh, and learn more about God. We will have two options for meeting times: a morning session from 9:30am-11:30am and an evening session from 7:00pm-9:00pm. The weekly sessions will…
Find Out MoreFavor Fertility Ministry
Favor Fertility Ministry is for women who have struggled to grow their family and who seek fellowship, healing, prayer, and support along their journey. We gather every last Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. Please contact Maria Lange for more information! Maria Langempacheco1188@gmail.com(404) 580-5056@favorfertilityministry (Instagram)
Find Out MoreHurricane Helene Relief
As pictures and videos of the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene continue to pour in from Florida, through Georgia, and into the Carolinas and Tennessee, we want you to be aware of a few ways you can help right now. Pray – Let us pray for the safety of those…
Find Out MoreKnights of Columbus Blood Drive – November 11
Our next parish blood drive will be tomorrow, Monday, November 11 from 3:00pm–7:00pm in the classrooms. All donors will receive a $10 E-Gift Card to the merchant of your choice, an e-coupon for free queso dip from Huey Luey’s, and be entered into a chance to win ONE of TWO $7000 e-gift cards! For…
Find Out MoreKnights of Columbus February Blood Drive
The Knights of Columbus at St. Clare are hosting a blood drive on Monday, February 10 at 3:00-7:00pm in Rooms 3/5. All donors will receive a $15 e-gift card and a Huey Luey’s free queso dip coupon for participating. To schedule your appointment and for more info, visit www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code STCLAREOFASSISI.
Find Out MoreLadies’ Advent Book Study
Women of the parish, please join us for a short book study to prepare us for Advent! We will be reading Joy to the World by Scott Hahn. This book provides an explanation to the story of Christmas by examining the characters and the story in light of the biblical and historical context.…
Find Out MoreLessons & Carols: Youth Choir Program
Please join us on Saturday, December 14 at 6:00pm for our first annual “Lessons & Carols”, our seasonal youth choir program. We will be debuting our parish youth choir and feature select musicians at our performance. We will be gathering in the Nave and hope to see you there!
Find Out MoreLoving in Virtue – Free NFP Workshop on Feb. 8
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC) is celebrating in a way that reflects Catholic values! This free workshop explores the beautiful mystery of love in marriage and the science behind the human body. Participants will get an introduction to Natural Family Planning (NFP), learn about…
Find Out MoreMandatory Altar Server Training on Saturday, January 25
Calling all young men! Altar Server Training will be held Saturday, January 25 from 9:00am-12:30pm. Prospective altar servers are required to attend. Current altar servers are welcome to join us for lunch, but need to RSVP.
Find Out MoreMass of Reparation and Holy Hour of Adoration on Friday, October 25
Dear Parishioners, We have been made aware that there is a black mass taking place in Atlanta on October 25th. This is a horrific, blasphemous event in which a consecrated host that has been stolen is desecrated in the most vile of ways. We will have a Mass of Reparation…
Find Out MoreMass Settings for English Masses
Click here for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Settings (February 1/2) without recordings (for use during Mass)
Find Out MoreMonday Morning Cleaning Help Needed
We need additional volunteers for our parish cleaning apostolate! The team gathers on Monday mornings following the daily 9:00 am Mass to perform light cleaning in the Nave of our church. The task typically lasts around 1-1/2 hours and involves light dusting, vacuuming, organizing chairs, and tidying the windows. This is an…
Find Out MoreOur 2024 St. Joseph the Worker Award winner is Bob Heilmann
Congratulations to Bob Heilmann, the inaugural winner of our 2024 St. Joseph the Worker Award! Our St. Joseph the Worker Award aims to honor and recognize the dedicated, hardworking members of our parish. The recipient of the award reflects the very spirit of St. Joseph: a man of unwavering faith,…
Find Out MoreOur Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
Join us in honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 with a full day of devotion and celebration. The day begins with Mañanitas (morning serenade) from 5:30am to 6:30am. In the evening, a procession will take place from 6:00pm to 6:15pm, followed by the Rosary from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.…
Find Out MoreParish Christmas Card Contest 2024
Christmas is just around the corner, and we want your creativity to help spread the joy of the season. This year, we’re excited to invite our parishioners to participate in our Christmas Card Artwork Contest! The winning design will be featured on the cover of our parish Christmas card. What’s the…
Find Out MorePope Francis’ Prayer Intention for April
“Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Holy Father’s request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. From time to time, the Holy Father may add a second prayer intention related…
Find Out MorePope Francis’ Prayer Intention for February
For The Terminally Ill. Let us pray that the sick who are in the final stages of life, and their families, receive the necessary medical and human care and accompaniment. Por los enfermos terminales. Oremos para que los enfermos terminales y sus familias reciban siempre los cuidados y el acompañamiento necesarios, tanto…
Find Out MoreRegistration is Open for New St. Clare Youth Choir Program
The St. Clare Music Ministry is excited to announce a new Youth Choir Program. These groups will include opportunities for students ages Kindergarten (5/6 yrs old) through High School. These ensembles will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 5:45PM to 6:30PM, beginning on Tuesday, August 13. Each semester will culminate in…
Find Out MoreLaissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! Parish Mardi Gras Party on Friday, February 28
It’s time to party! All adults are invited to join us for our parish Mardi Gras party, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, on Friday, February 28 from 6:00pm-10:30pm. We will have a 4 course catered dinner, a silent auction, dancing, a cork pull, the cash 50/50 raffle and more.…
Find Out MoreSenior Adults Presents: Storytelling with Natalie Jones
What is storytelling? Come and find out from professional storyteller Natalie Jones. On Friday, October 18, at 1:00pm in Rooms 3/5, she will share a variety of genres popular in the storytelling world including stories crafted from her own life, folktales and an out and out lie! Exaggerated tall tales are featured…
Find Out MoreSolemnity of the Immaculate Conception – Holy Day of Obligation
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, December 9 this year at the direction of the USCCB. There will not be a vigil Mass for the Solemnity on December 8. We will have Masses on Monday, December 9 at 6:30am, 9:00am, and 7:00pm (bilingual) so that…
Find Out MoreSt. Clare Epiphany Party
We are excited to invite you to our annual Epiphany Party, an evening filled with food, fun, and fellowship. Let’s come together to celebrate the joy of the season with our parish family! Date: Friday, January 3, 2025Time: 6:30PM to 10:00PMLocation: In the church Nave Enjoy a delicious dinner as we gather to…
Find Out MoreSt. Clare Fall Festival
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 13 from 12:00pm-4:00pm as we gather for our much-anticipated parish Fall Festival! This year’s event promises fun for the whole family, with a variety of exciting activities, delicious *free* food, face painting, and more. Whether you’re looking forward to dunking Fr. Tim or Fr.…
Find Out MoreSt. Clare Homeschool Co-Op Registration is Open
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year has begun! Our Homeschool Co-op will meet weekly on Thursdays. We begin our day at the 9:00am Mass, hold our classes after Mass, and eat lunch together after classes finish. We offer preschool groups, K-6th classes, and Middle/High School classes. We also do field…
Find Out MoreThanksgiving Dinner Blessing
Our Thanksgiving Dinner Blessing will be next Thursday, November 28 following the 9:00am Mass. Bring your thanksgiving wine, bread, and salt to be blessed in the Narthex.
Find Out MoreThe Giving Tree is here!
Brighten someone’s Christmas morning! This weekend, the Giving Tree Ministry has their Christmas tree set up in the Narthex. Each ornament tag on the tree contains a different Christmas wish for a person in need. Our parishioners are welcome to gather one or more ornaments and fulfill those wishes with…
Find Out MoreThe Results of our Planning Study are Available
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Planning Study earlier this month. A summary of this report will be made available to parishioners in this weekend’s bulletin, but if you would like to read the full study, it is available below. Our future at St. Clare is exceedingly bright!
Find Out MoreThursday, February 6 is Ladies Night – Burning of the Burdens Supper
Ladies Night is BACK on Thursday, February 6! Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Please join us for a Burning of the Burdens on February 6th at the Women’s night of reflection. The evening will start…
Find Out MoreTrunk or Treat 2024
Join us for some spooky fun at our Trunk or Treat in the back church parking lot on Sunday, October 27th at 6:30pm! Everyone is invited to decorate their trunks and pass out goodies to the kids. We’ll have prizes for the best costumes, with extra points for the most…
Find Out MoreUpcoming October Events
Fall is here and St. Clare is a busy place to be! From Bible studies and fellowship nights to special gatherings for our youth and families, there’s something for everyone. Here’s a roundup of the events happening this month: Fall Festival The 10th Anniversary edition of our fall festival is…
Find Out MoreUpcoming Retrouvaille Weekend February 7-9, 2025
Not willing to let go of your marriage? Many couples continue to struggle in a marriage, but are not willing to give up on each other. There is hope. Retrouvaille is a program designed to help struggling marriages regain their health. It helps a husband and a wife rediscover or…
Find Out MoreUSCCB’s Catholic Voting Guide
As we approach the election in November, it’s important to reconcile our political beliefs with Church teaching. The USCCB has published a guide for voters to assist them in doing just that. We highly encourage you to read it prior to November. Looking for the voting guide mentioned in this…
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