Eucharistic Adoration “My Lord and My God” Eucharistic Adoration is worship of the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass. It is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) in the consecrated host within the Monstrance sitting on the altar. It is a time of…
Find Out MoreAltar Servers
This ministry is open to any young Catholic child who has received First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Servers assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not…
Find Out MoreBereavement
St. Clare welcomes any person who has lost a loved one to our new Bereavement Group to find healing and compassion with others going through this suffering. We usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be March 11 at 6:00pm in Room…
Find Out MoreBible Studies
Bible studies are held throughout the year for adults. We have traditional bible studies for women, men, all people, y hispanohablantes. Gospel Bible Study (Lectio Divina) Our Lectio Divina Group meets on Mondays at 9:00am throughout the year. Please reach out to Karen for more details! Lectio Divina (Español) Nuestro…
Find Out MoreCenacle of Divine Mercy
The Cenacle of Divine Mercy at St. Clare invites everyone to join them in the back of the Nave every Wednesday after the 9:00 am Mass to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for any and all intentions presented. This small group is associated with the lay ministry arm of the…
Find Out MoreChurch Cleaners and Decorators
Church Cleaners This group gets together Monday mornings after the 9:00 am Mass to lightly clean the Nave of our church. It should only take approximately 1-1/2 hours and includes light dusting, vacuuming, straightening the chairs, and cleaning the windows. Linen Guild With deep love and reverence for the Holy…
Find Out MoreCORE team
We on CORE Team are committed to serving our parish through our own relationship with Christ and planning and running Youth Events for High School and Middle School throughout the year to lead others closer to Christ. CORE members help run Life Nights, chaperone events, disciple our teens, and more!…
Find Out MoreExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The purpose of this ministry is to assist the Priest and Deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion to the people in attendance at Mass. Purpose From the Archdiocesan Training Manual for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: “The extraordinary minister of Holy Communion performs a great service to the Church,…
Find Out MoreExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound
This ministry serves by bringing Holy Communion to the homebound and those in assisted living. There are minimum requirements for this ministry, including training and attendance at Mass, and review, approval, and certification by Father Tim and the Archdiocese is required, including a background check as necessary. Volunteer requirements: Background…
Find Out MoreFuneral Receptions
The St. Clare Funeral Receptions Committee is comprised of a group committed to providing comfort to fellow Parishioners in times of loss by providing hospitality and reception for families after a funeral held at St. Clare. The Committee Chairman coordinates with the family to provide a meal after the funeral…
Find Out MoreGiving Tree
Our mission is to ensure less fortunate families and children are remembered during the Christmas season. We work with our St. Vincent de Paul Society and other aid organizations in our local community to identify Christmas needs of their groups that we, as a parish, can assist in fulfilling. The…
Find Out MoreGreeters/Hospitality
The mission of the Hospitality & Welcome Committees is to create a warm, friendly atmosphere that encourages our church community to grow in faith, family, and friendship. Hospitality Hospitality seeks volunteers who want to serve our St. Clare family after Mass once a month. Volunteers may set up tables, help…
Find Out MoreKnights of Columbus
Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding…
Find Out MoreLadies Night
Our Ladies Night at St. Clare is open to all women of the parish. We meet once a month for socialization, prayer, food, and formation, and host a retreat once a year. It’s a time to build community with other faithful Catholic women! Keep an eye on the bulletin for…
Find Out MoreLiturgical Music
The volunteer music ministry at St. Clare of Assisi is a vibrant and exciting place to serve God. There are a wide variety of options to join for all ages. Please contact Amelia Kuhlken if you are interested in joining the music ministry. Because we integrate our young people into this ministry, volunteers are…
Find Out MoreMen’s Night at the Rectory
Our Men’s Night at the Rectory at St. Clare is open to all men of the parish. The men meet once a month on the third Friday evening every month at 7:00pm at the rectory for socialization and community. Bring your own cigar, drinks, chair, or whatever. The priests provide…
Find Out MoreMoms Group
This group is meant to bring Catholic Moms from St. Clare and surrounding parishes together to share, grow and help raise our children in the faith. Bonded by our vocation as mothers and our faith, Catholic Moms Connection strives to bring together mothers throughout all seasons of their life and their families…
Find Out MoreMoney Counters (St. Matthew Guild)
The St. Matthew Guild meets weekly to count the offertory, second collection, and other offerings and to prepare the bank deposit and supporting documentation. If you feel called to this ministry, please contact Requirements include a volunteer application, background check and credit check.
Find Out MorePilgrim Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Households involved in this apostolate sign up for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrim Image to visit your home for one week. The family prays a daily rosary with the image for vocations and the intentions of the Pilgrim Queen group. Each family will need to deliver the image to…
Find Out MorePrayer Blanket Ministry
Join the compassionate community of the St. Clare Prayer Blanket Ministry! If you have sewing experience, we invite you to lend your skills and join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00AM in Room 11. While having your own sewing machine is a plus, it’s not a requirement. We…
Find Out MoreReaders
Readers are responsible for proclaiming the Word of the Lord to the congregation. The requirements to be a part of this ministry including having received the Sacrament of Confirmation and be in communion with the Holy See. Training is provided for all members. Volunteer requirements: Paper Volunteer ApplicationContact the Ministry…
Find Out MoreSacristans
Sacristans Arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, and candles. The Sacristan Ministry has been active since the very first Mass at…
Find Out MoreSafe Environment Protecting God’s Children (VIRTUS)
St. Clare is blessed to have you as a volunteer and thanks you for your generous service to a ministry by enriching our parish family and honoring our parish mission statement. St. Clare of Assisi complies with Archdiocesan Safe Environment policies and procedures in accordance with the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for…
Find Out MoreSeniors
Mission: Serve the spiritual, practical and social needs of senior adults of the parish Make more effective use of the time, talent, experience, maturity and wisdom of senior adults Goals: Develop spiritual formation programs that address the unique spiritual needs of senior adults. Incorporate social programs into the senior adult…
Find Out MoreSt. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to all those who are needy and suffering within our community. SVdP currently provides assistance to those in need through our parish food pantry. SVDP is in need of…
Find Out MoreThird Thursday Coffee
Join fellow parishioners for some fellowship and a cup of coffee on the third Thursday of the month following our 9:00am daily Mass. We will begin our Third Thursday Coffee on August 1, and it will continue throughout the year. Each month rotates for a potluck snack. Come build some…
Find Out MoreUshers
Volunteer requirements: Background check and Virtus training Greeting the parishioners as they enter the service. Assist in finding available seats. Passing the collection baskets. Guarding the aisles during communion to ensure speed and order. Ushers also assist parishioners who are differently abled, elderly, etc. with seating and Communion. Passing out the…
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